Oberlin Weekday Community Meals

Free, freshly cooked nutritious meals are available Monday through Friday in the Parish Hall from 5:00 to 5:30 pm. We are currently offering take-out service only. You may take as many meals as you need while our supplies last. Oberlin Weekday Community Meals (still often called “Hot Meals”) is administered by Christ Church, and is supported by many other Oberlin churches and organizations.
Meals are not served on major holidays and during the annual two week shutdown at the beginning of July.
We have a paid kitchen staff, but rely on volunteers to greet our guests and distribute meals. Volunteers typically serve one evening per week, from 4:30-6:00 p.m. To learn more, contact our Program Coordinator at meals@christchurchoberlin.org, or stop by any weekday evening, or call us at (440) 775-2501.